Professional portrait of an experienced midwife offering home birth services in Indiana, specializing in natural childbirth and prenatal care.

Prenatal Care

Your visits are scheduled for one hour in our office monthly until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly after your 37-week home visit

​Each visit includes the following assessments: maternal blood pressure and urinalysis as well as fetal position (as baby grows enough to feel) and heart rate. Other assessments such as screening for anemia and ordering labs are done on an as-needed basis.

We also spend time at each visit getting to know each other, going over any questions or concerns you may have, and discussing your wishes for the birth.

We schedule a home visit at 37 weeks, which is ideally attended by your partner and anyone you plan to have at your birth

Consultation with my collaborating physician is available as needed and desired

Access to lab work and ultrasound, as needed and desired 

Labor & Birth

You are clear to give birth at home from 37-42 weeks

You are encouraged to eat, drink, and remain active during active labor (walking, birth ball, birth pool, etc)

The midwife and assistant arrive when labor is active and stay 2-3 hours after the birth to be sure mom and baby are stable


An in-home postpartum visit for mother and baby is scheduled for 24-48 hours after the birth

We offer the Indiana Newborn Screening heel prick and critical congenital heart defect (CCHD) screening for your baby and will provide you a referral for the hearing screening

We provide initial breastfeeding support and a referral to lactation support, if needed

Additional office visits for both mother and baby are scheduled at 1 week, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks; or as needed.